Graphical User Interface Fields and Icons in SmartSolve

Below is a brief explanation of the icons and fields found in the SmartSolve application:

Legend/Icon Name Description

Zoom Icon

Click this icon to go to the predefined field value selection window.

Drop Down Button

Click the drop down button in the field to display and select a value from a predefined list.


Click this icon to display a calendar for date selection.


A red asterisk after a field name indicates a required/mandatory field on the form. The user cannot skip the field.


Section Collapse

Click this icon to collapse the section.


Section Expand

Click this icon to expand the section.


Checkboxes can be checked or unchecked to enable or disable an option. Checkboxes are also used to select multiple values for a section or field.

Highlighted Words

Click the highlighted word to link to a file/document or perform an action.

Add Icon

A row with an Add icon enables the user to add a row to a section or field. The Add icon is also used to add an attachment, report, reference, codes, etc.

Delete Icon

Click the Delete icon to remove a previously added row or item in a section or field.

Text Box Icon

Click the Text Box icon to open a text box. The text box enables the user to enter additional text and to spell check the text.

Spell Check Icon

Click the Spell Check icon to use spell check on the text in a text window.

Select All Checkbox

Check the left checkbox to select all items in a list and select the right checkbox to deselect all items in a list.


Radio Button

Radio button fields are used to select a value or to enable/disable system functions.

Save Button

Click the Save button to save the data entered in or changes made to a form. This enables information to be saved without having to Complete or Sign-off the information.

Complete Button

Click the Complete button to finish and save the information entered in a form.

Auto Complete Field

Some zoom fields also allow the user to type in the field value, if the field value is already known. The application then displays a list of possible options from which the user can select.

Data Entry Field

Data entry fields allow the user to enter text.



Friday, March 20, 2020
8:28 AM